Well I started this blog about 2 1/2 years ago. Back then I was a naive 17 year-old high school senior. Now I'm a 2nd semester sophomore in college. Almost halfway done with college. So I thought I should say what I have learned these past 2 1/2 years.
First I learned that I could love more than one artist at once. That happened when I became a fan of MacKenzie Bourg. Remember him? The guy who was on "The Voice" and who I raved about. The guy who I thought was awesome? And I wanted to marry him? Well...yeah. And since then I became fans of One Direction, Nic Hawk, and 5 Seconds of Summer. Hanson will always remain my favorite band and favorite artists no matter what. It was because of them that I started to get into fandoms and into artists, YouTubers, and figure skaters. Speaking of which....
I learned to become fans of YouTubers. I love O2L. Though since I started my sophomore year of college, I had less and less time to watch their videos. So I stopped catching up. However, in January of this year (The year when this post was published), they stopped putting up videos on that channel. O2L was a collab channel of 6 (Well actually 7) YouTubers and they needed to focus on their own channels so they stopped O2L. However, they're not deleting the channel. I also like Matthew Santoro, Rob Dyke, WatchMojo, list25, Danger Dolan, Wacky Wednesday, Taylor and Martina (They're a new YouTube channel. Two British "Uni" students who are in a relationships and their videos are so cool and makes me laugh), and more and more. I have seen O2L once live in DC. I'm glad I saw them when they were still up and running.
Also since the winter Olympics, I have become a fan of figure skating. I've always like figure skating in some way or form since I was younger. In fact my 17th birthday party was at an ice rink. And during the 2010 Olympics, I learned names of more skaters. Before that the only ones I have heard of were Kristi Yamaguchi, Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen, and Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov, Paul Binebose and Laura Handy, and Christopher Bowmann (From a People Magazine special on the section of deaths in 2008). Then in the 2014 Olympics, I went from just liking it, to LOVING it, becoming a fan of the sport, learning about the rules, and becoming fans of skaters. My three #1 favorite skaters are Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan, Jason Brown from the USA, and Kevin Reynolds from Canada. Kevin is my athlete crush and the guy I'm focusing on. I have been to one ice show and one international skating competition. After the ice show, I met the 8 members from the US figure skating team that competed in the event at the Olympics. In the team event, Russia got gold, Canada got silver, and the USA got bronze. Jason and Kevin competed in the team event so they're a bronze and silver Olympic medalist respectively. Yuzuru won gold in the men's event, so yes he's an Olympic champion. I have seen Jason skate twice. I have yet to see Yuzuru and Kevin skate. Hopefully one day. I like a lot of skaters also, but those three will remain my #1 favorites.
Now you might be wondering, "Wait, you've been raving about MacKenzie and wanting to marry HIM. What happened to that?" I'll tell you later. Hold on.
Anyways. I learned other stuff as well.
Like I learned how to blow-dry and flat-iron my own hair. And put on my own make-up. I learned how to start making appointments for myself and taking responsibility for more stuff. I also learned how I like to study for tests and stuff. And that's by listening to music or watching videos at the same time. I also learned how to write good essays. Or decent essays to be more accurate. I also learned how to plan out class schedules for myself because you have to do it for your majors. Also I learned to accept that I need help with academics. So I go to tutoring for chemistry. Oh. I learned how to use equipment in chemistry and biology lab. Chemistry lab is pretty stressful but you have to know how to be safe. That's the number one rule. Also I learned how to speak for myself when I'm out with my parents getting food or at a place asking for something. And I get frustrated when my mom sometimes try to speak for me.
I still haven't learned how to be clean with my room and I still haven't gotten my driver's license yet. Still don't feel ready yet. Plus I still don't eat the healthiest.
Now, I will tell you another thing that I have learned these past 2 1/2 years. And it relates to on what I said on what you guys might be wondering why I'm not raving about MacKenzie anymore. First I'll tell you the thing I've learned. And EVERYONE should follow this:
Trust your instinct. If something doesn't feel right, it's probably not right to you or not right at all. I have that a lot. Especially when I take chemistry tests. If I feel like I did good, then I probably did good. If I feel like I did sucky...I probably did really bad. Though I know sometimes I'm wrong. Like at the end I feel like I didn't do so hot in the class but ended up with a B-. True story for general chemistry II. That was the result of a HUGE curve. And also I'm feeling that now with my test I took today in my organic chemistry II class.
How does that relate to MacKenzie? Well in a number of ways. There was a few times where the way he behaved in some tweets he put out that made me feel iffy, upset, and mad. But I never wanted to to admit I was mad and upset AT HIM. Because I was blind. Plus some of the DMs replies he sent to me sounded cold or a little insensitive maybe. Some of the tweets were him yelling at this one fan of him that was kind of annoying but I kept my cool at her though I was somewhat assertive with her. She kept pestering him and he kinda exploded on twitter a bit. I remember I was upset at that and didn't know how to react so I bit my arm. Enough that I saw a few broken blood vessels. And there was another fan (Fan B) that he thought was the one that I previously mentioned (Fan A). And me and very few others knew for a fact that Fan B was NOT Fan A. And a few other times he kinda said that at her to not fool him. I actually posted a pic of a note I made onto Instagram and my frustration of people not believing in Fan B. I kinda put #macpack on it. And a month later he MUST have either been searching through that hashtag or stalk my Instagram. Why? Well he commented on it. And he said that I know for a fact it's her, he won't speak to her about it, and that he does know it's her. I got embarrassed. Enough that I wanted to cry. So I apologized to him that he had to he it. Though I'm NOT sorry for believing that Fan B isn't Fan A.
Also, he did a kickstarter for his EP. He had to raise $15k in 30 days. We did it. I donated some money and I got about 5 people to donate $69 altogether. For 30 days I've been encouraging people to donate, lost some sanity, shed some tears of frustration, and stuff. It's been 1 1/2 years since we reached the goal, some people received their prizes. However, it was only the ones who back money to receive the prize of receiving a drawing from him signed that got it. Another single has gotten released. But the hype was only a minuscule compared to the one he released in February 2013. And NO EP yet. It's been that long and nothing yet.
And almost 2 weeks ago, I found out something about him that made me so mad. I won't get into exact detail what it is, but basically, we've been duped in that he cared about his fans and stuff like that. It made me so happy that I changed my focus onto Kevin Reynolds 13 months prior. Because I'm sure I would have been heartbroken and crying so much.
That's why I said I should have trusted my instinct. Because those signs were clues and evidence to what I found out. But I was naive, wasn't interested in that much stuff, and of course teenagers are naive. We're all guilty of being naive of stuff here. It wasn't until college when I started to gain interests in more stuff. I'm really glad I did. It's made me more well-rounded in interests. And I learned a lot. We never stop learning. No matter how old you are. Every day we learn something new. Even if it's something TINY.
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